Mne ty nalezy pripadaji docela podstatene tedy:
The TCF consent system was found to infringe the GDPR in the following ways:
TCF fails to ensure personal data are kept secure and confidential (Article 5(1)f, and 32 GDPR)
TCF fails to properly request consent, and relies on a lawful basis (legitimate interest) that is not permissible because of the severe risk posed by online tracking-based "Real-Time Bidding" advertising (Article 5(1)a, and Article 6 GDPR)
TCF fails to provide transparency about what will happen to people’s data (Article 12, 13, and 14 GDPR)
TCF fails to implement measures to ensure that data processing is performed in accordance with the GDPR (Article 24 GDPR)
TCF fails to respect the requirement for data protection by design (Article 25 GDPR)
International transfers of the data do not provide adequate protection (Article 44, Article 45, Article 46, Article 47, Article 48, Article 49).
Chapu, ze bude asi dost problemu s tim, ze data putuji s EU do USA, a tam se s nimi deje kdo vi co, ale o to prece jde. At se to "kdo vi co" nedeje.
Jestli bez toho nebude web, tak tim bych si nebyl uplne jist, pamatuju dobu, kdy trackovani v podstate nebylo a normalne jsem po internetu brouzdal. A banery byly stejne irelevantni jako dnes. (jen dnes koukam na reklamu na veci, ktere jsem uz davnou koupil... misto na neco vic nahodnejsiho)
Budme realisti, ty penize co jdou do reklamy se neztrati, jenom se najdou jine zpusoby/kanaly. Web/online je proste prilis vyznamne medium na to, aby ty penize utekly jinam