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Je tady eRouška. Aplikace od COVID19CZ sleduje přes Bluetooth kontakty s lidmi od anonym - Můj telefon má taktak opravu na BlueBorne (fixnuto...

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  • 17. 4. 2020 9:24

    bez přezdívky

    Můj telefon má taktak opravu na BlueBorne (fixnuto v September security patch 2017).

    Mít trvale zapnutý bluetooth je možná pro spoustu uživatelů normální, ale taky je to pro spoustu uživatelů zbytečné a vysoké riziko

    The BlueBorne attack vector has several stages. First, the attacker locates active Bluetooth connections around him or her. Devices can be identified even if they are not set to “discoverable” mode. Next, the attacker obtains the device’s MAC address, which is a unique identifier of that specific device. By probing the device, the attacker can determine which operating system his victim is using, and adjust his exploit accordingly. The attacker will then exploit a vulnerability in the implementation of the Bluetooth protocol in the relevant platform and gain the access he needs to act on his malicious objective. At this stage the attacker can choose to create a Man-in-The-Middle attack and control the device’s communication, or take full control over the device and use it for a wide array of cybercriminal purposes.

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